I Wear Blue For My Son Autism Awareness Month Parents Gifts T Shirt sweater - mizeshirt

 One of the biggies from the I Wear Blue For My Son Autism Awareness Month Parents Gifts T Shirt sweater was of course Heart. Anne and Nancy used to live on the lake up there where many great parties took place. Meeting and hanging out with the girls, Roger Fisher, his brother Michael, Steve Fossen, Mike Derosier, Howard Leese was nothing short of cool. They were all very down to earth people and having grown up in the area themselves had given many opportunities to the local talent in the area. Rail, the MTV Basement tapes Winners from the 80’s were all very nice guys, Culprit, Heir Apparent, Fifth Angel, Malfunkshun, Mother Love Bone, Metal Church, The Mob and Queensryche were all very nice and supportive people that did all they could to help local artists. The only guy I didn’t really care for was Geoff Tate of Queensryche. He was a very opinionated and self absorbed individual that rather than spare someone’s feelings would not only stick the knife in but once in twist it to make sure it hurt as badly as possible. Lot’s of people would beg to differ, but maybe I saw him at his worse.

I Wear Blue For My Son Autism Awareness Month Parents Gifts T Shirt sweater(I Wear Blue For My Son Autism Awareness Month Parents Gifts T Shirt sweater)

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I Have Two Titles Mom And Sister Mothers Day Sunflower T Shirt sweater - mizeshirt

I Have Two Titles Mom And Sister Mothers Day Sunflower T Shirt sweater - mizeshirt

I Have Two Titles Mom And Sister Mothers Day Sunflower T Shirt sweater - mizeshirt

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