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 No one can tell you a formula for becoming a famous singer. If I could do so, I would write a Pre K Teacher Off Duty Leopard Sunglasses Summer Vacation T Shirt sweater and become a multi-millionaire. I worked for a production company with every possible contact to launch the career of a band/artists and even with past mega successes, it was still difficult to predict what was going to be a hit or a miss. Only a tiny percentage of artists get the opportunity to reach success. If fame is your goal, there are many easier ways to become famous than singing. You should not have fame as your goal. You have to love what you do and enjoy it whether you find fame or now. The public is fickle and technology is constantly changing. If my comments discourage you, it’s unlikely you have the drive and fortitude to get to your goal. If it challenges you, then keep trying. If I seem negative, I apologize, but the business is brutal. If you do the search I suggested, you will find a plethora of answers fulled with “how to” advice.

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