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 This example I have has to add up one after the other. I have to hear, “you’re too pretty to.” And you’re too old to” and “have you tried wearing this to ” And then have someone close to me say something that title stupid to have any of the issues on the second list make a difference. Usually, that second list is pure background noise. People don’t like tiny things that bother them and women have been steadily desired and despised simultaneously since men realized they wanted to have sex. It’s sort of just nature. The issues on my first list are more important and I’m more aware of them because they are deadly! And those are the ones rotting our society from the inside out. When marital rape and terrorism are as “good” as reproductive hypocrisy has ever gotten wit witch burnings and rape farms being the worst, you know one of those lists is a bigger problem.

Revelation 14 Bible Verse Normal Isnt Comming Back Jesus Is T Shirt Sweater Shirt(Revelation 14 Bible Verse Normal Isnt Comming Back Jesus Is T Shirt Sweater Shirt)

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