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These processes take a Texas Razorback Woo Pig Sooie Shirt years or so and once the Earth becomes potentially capable of supporting life, we actually see the earliest signs of life during that period. It could have just as easily taken another billion years to hit upon the first self-replicating molecule. We don’t know the exact details of how life got started but we do actually know lot about the kinds of processes it would have required. The key event would have been the first self-replicating molecule – which probably was not life as we know it, but an RNA precursor. The next key event would have been the conversion from RNA to DNA-based life. Forming the right kinds of molecules in the right concentrations at the right Ph levels isn’t something a new world is likely to hit upon immediately, and indeed, it seems like it took at least a few hundred million years before we see the first artifacts of life on Earth.

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Fabrizio Quattrocchi, an Italian security officer, taken hostage and murdered in Iraq by Islamist militants. After being forced to dig his own grave and just before being shot in the The Beer Can Mountain Pocket T Shirt, Fabrizio looked up at his executioners and defiantly said: “Now I will show you how an Italian dies”. I am sure in history there have been more significant moments with very cool lines, but for me, right this very moment, Fabrizio deserves the prize. EDIT: thanks everyone for the upvotes. The reason why I was fascinated by this, is that Italians are not usually seen as warriors or for dying heroically. Stereotypically, we are all artists, lovers with an incurable fondness for string instruments… Fabrizio decided to meet his fate with dignity: his words would have cut deeper in his executioners’ ego than any last minute shovel swing.

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